What does this space know?

Some thoughts from Rupert Meese

Chillies and Grapes

Posted by Rupert Meese on June 29, 2009

Chillies and Grapes

I’ve just completed the second in the series of online books about the transformations that take place in symbolic modelling.  In this one there’s no need to enter your e-mail address half way through as there was in the first.  I was never too keen on that coercion.  The idea was OK, to have people sign up to the newsletter in order to read to the end of the book.   Mostly those people who did are the ones who got to hear about the second book, so that was good.  One has to have someone to tell these things to, so I’m grateful to everyone who did sign up for the newsletter.  The problem was it just felt a bit… well, mean somehow.  So this time no coercion, but if you find yourself curious to know more then signing up for the newsletter could be the answer (click here –> http://www.zenlistening.com)

In Chillies and Grapes I was working with a client who got deflated very easily.  There are all sorts of fascinating observations to be made about the nature of his symbolism and the source and course of the transformation that he created.  It’s certainly on my list of things to do to write a commentary on the book and how the symbolic modelling progressed.  As it is, please enjoy the story ‘in the raw’, an uplifting account of how one man, one tender human being, found new vitality.

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